For all inquiries contact:
Margo Cheuvront
P.O. Box 428
Colusa, CA 95932

EXPOSITION DATE: February 8, 2024

Phone: 530-458-3190
Fax: 530-660-5250
Send Payment to the Same Address

Exhibit Contract/Booth Space

Member 9×10 – $1150  | Member 10×10 – $1300

Non-Member 9×10 – $1250 | Non-Member 10×10 – $1450

20×20 Outdoor space for equipment only $3000  Rain or Shine

Member price for current members of PCA/CLCA/APLD. Must supply current membership certificate with payment. 5% discount for booking 5 spaces; 10% discount for booking 6 to 8 spaces; and 30% discount for booking 9+ spaces. $20 Additional Charge for Wire Transfers.

Payment Schedule:

Payments are due: First half of booth payment is due August 1.
Second half of booth payment is due September 1.
Space reserved after September 1 requires full payment with contract.
Mail payments to P.O. Box 428, Colusa, CA 95932.