About Us
Since 1980 the Nor Cal Spring Trade Show has brought to the Bay Area a one-day horticultural trade show that keeps pace with our rapidly changing industry and provides a forum for doing business in a timely fashion. In 2014 Nor Cal announced a partnership with the California Landscape Contractors Association creating a more diverse and appealing show for the green industry. Along with this new partnership is a new name for the show – The Nor Cal Landscape & Nursery Show.
Nor Cal was originally created by members of four chapters of the California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers (Central, Monterey Bay, Peninsula and Redwood Empire) who saw a need and created a regional trade show for those who could not afford the time or expense of traveling to larger shows of this caliber. From card tables in a community hall to the carpeted aisles of Expo Hall, the Nor Cal Spring Trade Show has found a niche in San Mateo.
It is dedicated volunteers who are the backbone of the show. Without their tremendous effort, this show would not exist. A committee of twelve chapter members donate their time to give direction and support through out the year. At show time there are over 50 volunteers available from dawn to evening to lend a hand. The hard earned proceeds are used to provide scholarships, engage educational speakers, fund philanthropies and provide operating capital for these local chapters.
This year you’ll find an expanded group of exhibitors with products ranging from landscape equipment, specimen plant material and irrigation to the popular garden art, statuary and fountain categories. Check out the exhibitor listings for a full overview of the show’s offerings.
You’ll also find educational opportunities with continuing education credits. Plan on a full day at the Nor Cal Landscape & Nursery Show – we believe it will be time well spent!